Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wonders of God's Creation Video Series

We purchased this video series this weekend at the Family Christian Bookstores. I took a chance on it because I had never heard of it at all. I hoped it would be educational as well as kid friendly.

The series is called, "Wonders of God's Creation", and includes 6 DVD's (totalling over 10 hours of video) on topics from the galaxy to the animal kingdom, to forces of nature, to human development.

I reminded me of something you'd watch on the Discovery Channel, yet this appeared to have a Christian "spin" on the topics.

It is normally $59.99, but was on sale for $29.99. AND this weekend the Family Christian Bookstores have put out a 25% off coupon, so you can purchase the series for $23. So I took a chance.

I am SO GLAD that I did. We have watched the Animal Kingdom video and some of the Astronomy video. Each topic begins with a 5 minute talk about God being revealed in his creation, which includes appropriate scripture. Each DVD topic ends with an appropriate reflection on the imprint of God upon creation.

Now, the actual videos have been filled with amazing images and fasinating and informative information!

Did you know that all Monarch butterflies head south to California or Mexico for the winter. ALL of the Northern Monarchs gather in these two locations and the footage of millions of them clinging to the trees is amazing! They look like the leaves! My girls loved it!

And the information on the lives of bees was fascinating. We got to see the Scout bee return to the hive and communicate through a series of dances and shakes. He communicated the taste of the nectar he found (and distributed samples) as well as the LOCATION! It was so cool.

We are midway through our Solar System. Tomorrow we'll head to the Gas Giants and explore. The girls are pretending that they are on a space shuttle.

Clearly, we are loving these so far so I thought I'd pass on a heads up on the sale. I haven't watch the human development one to see how much is revealed, so I can't speak to that. I intend to preview it before the kids view it. And I can't wait to watch the forces of nature!

1 comment:

Christin said...

I AM SOOO glad you posted this. My mom and I were JUST wondering about those DVDs. And based on your recommendation alone, I'm thinking we'll be getting them.